San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution
Final Report 1996
Appendix D.: Exhibits-Health
The following articles can be obtained by contacting the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, 401 Van Ness, San Francisco, CA 94102 or call: 415-554-5184. Task Force documents are also filed at the San Francisco Public Library.
II. Health, Safety and Services
1. "Needs Assessment For At Risk Populations," Report Prepared for Community Outreach Project For Female Identified Sex Industry Workers," November 1995.
A. Sexual Health/HIV and STD's
Cohen, Judith Black and Priscilla Alexander. "Female Sex Workers: Scapegoats in the AIDS Epidemic" O'Leary, Ann and Loretta Sweet Jemmott, Women and AIDS: The Emerging Epidemic., New York: Plenum Publishing Corp., 1995.
Cohen, Judith, Priscilla Alexander and Constance Woofsey, "Prostitutes and AIDS: Public Policy Issues, "AIDS and Public Policy Journal, Vol. 3. 1988, pages 16-22.
"Questions and Answers on PHS Guidelines for HIV Counseling and Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women, " CDC and Prevention, HIV/AIDS Prevention, July 1995.
Alexander, Priscilla, "Sex Workers Fight Against AIDS: An International Perspective," Unpublished Paper 1994.
"Background Information on AB 2319, "COYOTE and National Task Force on Prostitution, Submitted to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety, 1988.
California Prostitutes Education Project-CAL PEP (Priscilla Alexander), "Prostitutes Prevent AIDS: A Manual for Health Educators," CAL PEP, 1988.
Lyons, Catherine RN, MS, MPH, ANP and Rita Fahrner RN, MS PNP, "HIV IN Women in the Sex Industry and/or Injection Drug Users," Clinical Issues In Prenatal and Women's Health Nursing, AIDS in Women, Vol. 1 Number 1. 1989.
"Sex Workers: Their Lives and Risks, "New Jersey Women AIDS Network, Vol. 3/No. 2-3, October 1993. p. 5.
Barnard, Marinia A., Neil P. McKeyaney, and Alastair H. Leyland, "Risk Behaviors among Male Clients of Female Prostitutes" British Medical Journal, August 7, 1993, pp. 361-362
Day, Sophia, Helen Ward, Louise Perrotta, "Male Partners of Female Prostitutes," British Medical Journal, Vol. 3077 August 1993, pp. 359-360.
B. Harm Reduction
Sorge, Rod, "Harm Reduction: A New Approach to Drug Services," Health/PAC Bulletin, Winter 1991, pp. 70-99.
Braine, Naiomi, "Women, Drugs and Harm Reduction" People With AIDS Coalition Newsline, 1993, pp. 16-21.
Bammer, Gabriele, "Report and Recommendations of Stage 2 Feasibility Research in the Controlled Availability of Opoids," National Center For Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian Institute of Criminology, June 1995.
"Costs of Drug Criminalization," Harm Reduction Coalition, San Francisco, 1991.
Woods, Imani P., HPOB, HNIC, "Harm Reduction and The Black Community," Harm Reduction Communication, Harm Reduction Coalition, San Francisco, Fall 1995, p. 10.
"What is Harm Reduction?" Harm Reduction Communication, Fall 1995, p. 4.
Heather, "User Vs. Addict/Abuser, " Harm Reduction Communication, Fall 1995, p. 6
George, John and Reda Sobky, "Making Drugs Illegal Solves Nothing," Oakland Tribune, 198 .
Stern, L. Synn, "Self Injection Education For Street Level Sex Workers," The Reduction of Drug Related Harm, London: Routledge Press (Chapter 12), 1992.
C. Multiple Issues
Fullilove, Mindy Thompson, MD, E. Anne Lown, MPH, and Robert E. Fullilove EdD, "Crack 'Hos and Skeezers: Traumatic Experiences of Women Crack Users," The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 29/No. 2, May 1992, pp. 275-287.
Lorvich, Jennifer, John K. Waters, YuTeh Cheng, Starley Shade, "Sex Trade Activity Among Female Injection Drug Users in San Francisco," Presented at the VII International Conference in AIDS, Florence Italy.
Brown, BethAnn, MA, "Women Impacted by Violence and Substance Abuse: A San Francisco Needs Assessment," Sponsored by The San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women," 1993.
Weiss, Carol J., "Women and Chemical Dependency Stigma, Shame and Guilt," Drug Policy Letter IIII, Drug Policy Foundation, Fall 1991.
Hotaling, N.J. and Farley, M.,"Research Study of Prostitutes," San Francisco Examiner, April 16, 1995.
Bonilla, Louis, "Women in Need of Services: Street Prostitutes in Northern Philadelphia," May 18, 1992.
Chavkin, Wendy and Denise Paone, "Drug Treatment For Women with Sexual Abuse Histories," Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, 1992.
Chavkin, Wendy and Denise Paone,"Decreasing HIV Disease Among Women Drug Users, " Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical Center, 1992.
Murray, Alison & Robinson, Tess, "Minding Your Peers and Queers,"National AIDS Bulletin , May 1994:9-11, Presented at conference 'HIV, AIDS and Society' at Macquarie University, Australia, 1994.
2. AIDSLINE, Collected Reports on Sex Workers, HIV Research and Discrimination, January 1995.
3. Prince, Diana, "A Psychological Profile of Prostitutes in California and Nevada," San Diego: United States International University, PhD. dissertation, March 1986.
4. "Federal Budget Impact on San Francisco," Presentation to the SF Board of Supervisors Budget Comittee, Controller's Office, September 20, 1995.
San Francisco Programs and Resources
5. "Agencies Targeting Outreach and Services To Sex Workers" Community Outreach Project, 1995.
6. "Resources For Substance Abusers (Adults and Youth)" Perinatal Services-Department of Public Health, 1993.

Table of Contents
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