Exotic Dancers Alliance
Exotic Dancers Alliance is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization (Project of the Institute for Community Health Outreach) funded by private and public foundations, fund raising events, and community donations.

  dancing girl
* call (415) 995-4745 * e-mail jbeda@aol.com *

EDA home
- upcoming events
- merchandise
- membership
- volunteers
- internship

- thank you's

About E.D.A.
- mission statement
- history
- accomplishments
- advisory committee
- consultants

E.D.A. Programs
- advocacy & outreach
- community building
- community partnerships
- Bay Area resources

- legal definitions
- what every Stripper should know
- legal resources
- How to file...
- recommendations for operation of adult theaters
- union approved clubs
- articles

EDA in the NEWS

Artists Corner


Artists Corner

Do you want to share your creative projects?
Send us your articles, poems or pictures!
We would love to add your contribution to the Artists Corner.


Excerpt from Island of Misfit Toys by Gina Gold

Interview with Dawn Passar by Siobhan Brooks

From Queens: Is this really legal?

Autobiography of an Activist by Jennifer Bryce

Poet's Corner

Strippers in the Arts

outside links:

Art and Activism: Scarlot Harlot

 San Francisco's Queens of The Tenderloin

InkyslayLand by inkyslay

A Few Good Stories by Julia Rewels


Photographs by PZP: EDA-EDU June benefit at Big Heart City 1997

More pix from June Benefit by Catherine 1997



web design by Dragon Dream

made possible by: Unitarian Universalist Funding Program